Evening bags

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Evening bags are my most loved- but hated bag. 
My choice in them is rather expensive, which makes my style quite unattainable to be worn on a night on the tiles- especially living in the UK. 
These are my 4 choices that I think are suitable for both an evening meal, or/and out "on the town".
The APC bag, I would wear in both situations as I think that it is quite understated, but would withstand a night out.
The jersey chanel, I adore. Firstly, the worry of scratching leather is abolished, and it also has a more laid back feel to it, however the price range it slightly high, but it being jersey would it get that damaged? Maybe this would be best for just a quiet evening...
The Louis Vuitton Sofia Coppola clutch would be perfect for an evening meal, or a respectable cocktail party, the latter however does not occur in my lifestyle unfortunately. I would most certainly not wear this beauty of a bag clubbing, I would either drop it, leave it in a taxi or misplace it somewhere.
And lastly, the Céline Trio. I already own this bag in cream and it has been fabulous at withstanding the british town! It holds everything, keys, ID, money etc. However I am growing tired of the cream colour as I want a more subtle colour (I love black- it is failsafe)
I think that the winner would be the trio, however the Chanel is running very close!


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