Summer hue

Friday, 22 July 2016

The season of heat, excitement and vibrancy seems to have finally arrived. My mind is focusing on the warm haze it brings, and the colour palette to match. Shades of putty, ivory, silver and tawny  have been central to my inner moodboard. Here are the current images filling my mind. 

All images sourced via instagram: 
1) c_l_o 2)ming_yu_wang 3)diariodeunacouturier 4)latenightdinnerfix 5)naninvintage 6) commonmuseco

Salvatore Ferragamo twin set

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Two images spring to mind when thinking of a twin set: a 1940s secretary or an elegant sixties editorial. I hope this golden duo encapsulates the latter, with perhaps a slinky 90s feel. 
The metallic hue of the silk does reflect the sheen of the decade, with the golden tips of the cardigan tie adding that extra sparkle.The combination of a two piece gives me a great sense of satisfaction, with the pieces allowing for mixing and matching. With this set, I will be wearing it from day to night thanks to the muted tone, and simplicity.

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